Self-Accountability: Take Back Your Power

So, you set some goals or intentions for the New Year…. How’s that going?  A lot of people set goals or commit to bettering themselves in some way at the start of a new year. Any idea how many of those people achieve their goals or maintain their intentions for the entire year??? The answer is easy —- Not many!

This is not surprising for many reasons. Lots of people set goals. And I’m talking about the good kind of goals — realistic, measureable, and achievable goals. Some of those people even go a step further and come up with a plan to achieve their goals. These planners might even take some action and begin working on their plan. So what’s the problem?  Why are so many goals and intentions abandoned before the end of the first month of the New Year?  Another easy answer — Self-accountability. 

Self-accountability is the absolute only way we will ever achieve any of our own goals. It is saying you will do something and actually getting it done. Self-accountability is being dedicated and intentional about a task or goal. When you engage in self-accountability you have strategic follow-through.  Self-accountability is accepting the outcome of what you’ve worked for — whether it is good or bad. Not to be confused with motivation, self-accountability will surge you through the bad days when your motivation is low. 

When you practice self-accountability, you take charge of your life, achieve great things, and create better situations for yourself. It’s easy to get started adding self-accountability to your life.

Know Your Task/Goal

You must know what you need to do or what you are working toward, if you want to make any progress. Review your task list frequently to assess what you have completed and what still needs to be done. 

Set Deadlines

When you set deadlines for your tasks, this creates motivation for some and sets up a sense of urgency to complete the task. So take your task or goal list and create some deadlines for all the things on the list. A deadline or firm completion time for a task will help to avoid procrastination. Deadlines also help with time management…

Time Management

You must be able to use your time wisely to prioritize the important tasks and get to work on them. While you are managing your time, be sure not to overcommit or take on unrealistic tasks. Make the most of your time. 

Be Honest

Be honest with yourself and with others. In addition, be ready to set aside your pride. Be prepared to own your actions, admit your mistakes, apologize when necessary, and move on. Have the courage to learn from your mistakes. 

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is that really how this situation happened? Or is that how I want to believe it happened?

  • Are you more concerned with being right? Or with evolving as a person?

  • Is your ego getting in the way?

  • Have you placed blame on someone or something else but you should really own it?

  • What can I do to make this better?

  • What can I learn from this success/mistake?

Accountability builds trust. As you demonstrate your self-accountability, others will know they can depend on you to do what you say you are going to do. 

Find a Support Person

This support person will know your goals (maybe even share your goals), check in with your progress, and offer support and feedback when appropriate. The most basic example of using a support person to promote accountability is the workout partner.  Scheduling to meet a friend at the gym or outside for a run is a great way to stick to your exercise routine.  If you bail, you are letting your partner down. And when you both show up, it is a win for everyone! 

Make That Change

If something isn’t going right or something needs to get done, there are lots of ways to respond. You can choose to be the victim — blame others, ignore the situation, or throw up your hands and proclaim powerlessness. Or you can choose to own your behaviors, take a look at the situation, acknowledge it, find solutions, and most importantly TAKE ACTION!

“Accountability is the glue that ties COMMITMENT to RESULTS.” — Bob Proctor 

Melissa’s Book Review: Friends, Lovers, and The Big Terrible Thing

WARNING: This is not a light read. It is actually a sad story.  I watched every episode of Friends in the 90s and early 2000s and loved the characters as their lives mimicked what was happening in my life through jobs, relationships, marriage, pregnancy, etc.  I was aware that Matthew Perry had problems with addiction during his career but to read it (in my case hear it read by the author) was captivating.  In his memoir, he is honest, fesses up to his host of shortcomings (which is a light word to use) and lays out clearly the horrors of what addiction can do to one's body, one's health, one's relationships and one's life. It's simply another reminder that one can have fame, success, money, nice homes, cars, women, etc etc and it still may never feel like enough.  Do I love the things the author did and has done both to himself and to others? Absolutely not.  But I review the book not on the lying, cheating, stealing, and breaking of hearts....But on the honesty of his story and his effort that perhaps telling his story will help others fighting the same demons.

Melissa’s Book Reviews

Young Mungo

by Douglas Stewart

“This book ripped my heart out, tore it to tiny shreds, and then put it back again.  I cannot call it a happy, "feel good" read, in fact some of the subject matter is very depressing and upsetting. Despite that, the book is beautifully and powerfully written. By the end, there is redemption and hope.”

Black Cake 

by Charmaine Wilkerson 

“This is an amazing story of family relationships, family heritage, and family secrets. Interwoven are themes of love and forgiveness despite the secrets. The way the story weaves between past and present and over different geographic locations through time was perfect.  I couldn't put it down.”


by Stephen King

“This is not a "2022 release" and though I've been meaning to read to it for a while, the length intimidated me. I'm glad I finally got to it because it is outstanding.  The main takeaway: Even if you discover that you can time travel, don't try to go back in time and mess with history! The love story underneath the thrilling suspense may or may not have made me shed a tear by the last page.”

Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow 

by Gabrielle Zevin

“A beautiful story about the bonds of friendship, love and partnership.  What does it mean to love and can you get past your old traumas, betrayals or disability to come full circle?  Although the plotline centers around friends who met each other playing video games and go on to develop video games, you in no way need to be a gamer or understand gaming to enjoy the story.”

The Hotel Nantucket 

by Elin Hildebrand 

“And by the way, I don't *always* go for serious literary fiction! I enjoy a fluffier beach read every now and then especially in the summer. Elin Hildebrand is my favorite author for this genre and this book did not disappoint. Chock full of dysfunction between hotel staff and hotel guests, Nantucket scenery (plus a ghost!) and I had a book to savor and not want it to end.”

Thank You 2022!

In a few short days we will be counting down the final moments of 2022 with excitement and anticipation for what 2023 might bring!  Maybe you have some big plans for the New Year? Possibly a milestone birthday or anniversary to celebrate? Or a major life event to plan and execute? Starting a new job?  Moving to a new city? Making a major change to improve the quality of your life?

Before you take on all the fabulous things that lie ahead in 2023, make some time to reflect on 2022. Take all you can from this year before sweeping it out the back door! You’ve lived with this year for 365 days, certainly you are walking away with something valuable. There are stories to tell. Lessons were learned. Memories were made. 

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What was the highlight of 2022?

  • Were there any major life changes this year?

  • Who came into your life this year? Who left?

  • Think of your life last year at this time. What unexpected changes occurred?

  • Did you travel this year? Where did you go?

  • What lessons or skills did you learn this year?

  • What was the lowest point of this year?

  • What are you grateful for this year?

  • Who were your most supportive friends this year?

  • What was the best book you read this year?

  • What are you proud of this year?

  • What were you frustrated with the most this year?

  • Is there something you wanted to do this year but didn’t have the chance? What was it?

Take some time and answer these questions for yourself. The answers may not jump out at you right away. You may have more than one answer to some of these questions. Embrace the highs and the lows and everything in between from 2022. Take these things with you into the New Year and use them to make even more memories, learn even more lessons, and grow with your true, authentic self in 2023. 

Our Favorite Things: 2022 Edition

Need the perfect present? Check out this list of our FAVORITE THINGS in 2022!

We've rounded up our TOP PICKS that we are using right NOW to help you find the perfect gift for every person on your list!

For the BOOK LOVER in your life 

Winter is the best time to settle in with a warm drink, a cozy blanket, and dive into a good book! Melissa recommends a subscription to Scribd —- for the book-lover in your life. This subscription gives the user access to thousands of books to listen or read, anywhere and anytime.  

If you’re looking to buy a hard copy book to wrap up, the whole RT+ staff suggests Atomic Habits by James Clear. We read this book in the early part of 2022 and it helped us understand how to create good habits in many areas of our lives. 

Alexis recommends Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, and Matt chimes in with his vote for this book too!  This David Goggins challenges you to take a good look in the mirror at yourself and your life and get ready to push through the hard times in life and reach your full potential. 

If you’re looking for a different kind of book, Erin suggests a Five Minute Gratitude Journal. Everyone has 5 minutes to spend each day, and this journal makes it simple and fun to be grateful each day.

Gifts of SELF-CARE

In case you’ve been living in a cave for most of the year, self-care is one of the hottest topics in 2022. Erin suggests a gift certificate for a massage for anyone (or everyone) in your life!  It’s an experience that can be used any way the recipient desires.  It can be relaxing and calming. It can be deep tissue and tension relieving.  Or it can be anything in between!  Rich recommends a hand-held massage gun to help with muscle soreness and tension. There are many different devices at varying price points, so find the one that fits your budget and feel confident that anyone unwrapping this gift is going to be very happy!  

Sometimes you just need to retreat and relax at the end of a long day. Stephanie suggests the TheraICE Rx Form Fitting Gel Ice Headache / Migraine Relief Hat This soft head wrap gently fits around the head to provide a bit of compression with either cold or heat. This is perfect for a headache, a migraine, and any kind of tension or sinus stress. 

While we are talking about self-care, don’t forget about your skin! Melissa chooses Mary Kay Satin Hands Moisturizing Cream to nourish your skin during the cold and dry winter months or the Mary Kay CC Cream that offers sunscreen for your face. Find these at If you really want to give a skin care treat, Erin recommends a gift certificate for a facial from Amy’s natural approach to skin care leaves your skin feeling radiant and clean.

Go for the GEAR

Winter is cold!  If you want to stay active through this season, you must have the right gear. So give the gift of warmth this year!  Sara’s top picks are a base layer from Liberty Mountain and this headband from Spyder that has been a staple for Sara for many years. 

Getting ORGANIZED in the New Year

Everyone starts a new year with hopes to get or stay organized. We have so many electronic devices and cords, it is hard to keep everything neat, tidy, and charged. Stephanie recommends UCOMX Nano 3 in 1 Wireless Charging Station You can finally charge ALL the things (in one place) at night so they are ready for the next day!

Stephanie is also a fan of the ODODOS Mini Belt Bag for Travel, Running,or Hiking Keep all of your “things” organized and close when you need them!  Stephanie wore this bag while hiking all over Acadia National Park. You can wear it around your waist or as a crossbody. They have lots of colors AND it’s a lululemon dupe with a much lower price tag — SCORE!


The gift buying isn’t complete until the stockings are full!  Cyrus chooses his favorite supplements such as Magnesium or Probiotics. Cyrus is also loving his Apple AirPods, and they are perfect to wrap up for the stocking! Bring along the music or your audio book anywhere you go, when you grab your wireless headphones!

We hope you can snag one or two of these gift ideas for your friends and family…. Or maybe even a little treat for yourself!  Enjoy!

The Core of Control

Twice a year, RT+ hosts a workshop for Penn State Kinesiology students and this is when many of them get their first introduction to Pilates. Many of them are collegiate athletes, weight trainers, or just plain workout enthusiasts.  I love to ask them the question: Tell me what you think of when you hear the word ‘Pilates’. The answers are always entertaining but never surprising:

  • A “Mom workout”. 

  • For “girls”. 

  • Something easy

  • Something that rich women do

  • You wear Lululemon and follow it up with Starbucks

……And along those lines. Not surprising! The misconceptions around who does Pilates and who benefits from Pilates are abundant. The reality is: EVERY BODY benefits from Pilates.  The inventor of Pilates was, himself, a man: Joseph Pilates.  His earliest clients were soldiers rehabbing from war injuries and some of his later clients included boxers and gymnasts as well as ballet dancers.  

At RT+, the ratio of female to male clients who use the Pilates equipment as part of their training program is about 50/50.  The benefits of Pilates go far beyond a strong core.  A strong core translates to better movement throughout the entire body, improved balance, coordination, and total body strength — for any person that gets on the Pilates equipment. This includes the teenage athlete, the ballet dancer, or an elderly male with scoliosis.  Pilates exercises work to elongate the muscles while strengthening them. When practicing Pilates, you are re-training the body to move in safe and efficient patterns while correcting pelvic and spinal alignment resulting in improved posture and fluid movement throughout your daily life. 

Other benefits, as reported by RT+ clients, include decreased back pain, increased flexibility, improved posture, more core strength, and it feels good. Pilates is for every BODY regardless of age, gender or fitness level. Never tried Pilates?  Maybe now is the time!

A Natural Connection

There are so many reasons to get outside and engage with nature. From your stress levels to your mental health, nature can play a major role in your general health and well-being.  You don’t even need to spend hours or days in the wilderness to reap the rewards of time in nature. Though if you’re into spending lengthy periods of time in the outdoors — by all means go for it! 

Studies show that the benefits of nature work through:

1) viewing nature

2) accidental presence of nature 

3) engagement with nature.

 And good news: All provide psychological benefits!

The benefits to spending time outdoors and in nature are significant including:

  • Enhanced positive feelings

  • Feeling more psychologically balanced

  • Less mental fatigue

  • Larger attention span and more time for reflection 

  • Reduced negative thoughts

  • Increased physical activity

  • Fewer illness and sick days. 

This list is by no means complete, but can help paint the picture of what benefits can arise from spending time in nature and how it can impact other areas of your life. 

Viewing Nature 


Windows in the workplace, watching nature films, and looking at photos of natural scenes can positively impact the viewer without even stepping outside. This can help buffer stresses of work, and over long periods, people have been found to have less illness, decreased frustration, more patience, and express enthusiasm for work or other areas of life. So go ahead and hang that print, photo or poster of your favorite nature scene in your work space or home! 

Accidental Presence of Nature 

People are positively affected by time spent in nature/exposure to natural things such as plants and animals.  Commuting to work or school in all types of weather (not just nice sunny days), having house plants, or owning pets connect us to the natural world. People with regular outdoor/exposure to nature demonstrate greater attention capacity and motor coordination. 

Engagement with Nature

Focusing on actively engaging with nature in activities such as gardening, trekking, walking, mountaineering, biking, camping, running, etc will give more bang for your buck. When visiting wilderness, some people seek a desire for tranquility and natural beauty and an escape from the stresses of urban life. Or they may be looking for a dramatic “peak experience”’ or perhaps a spiritual connection. 

The next time you feel stressed, burned out or unmotivated, try stepping outside or looking out the window for a few minutes to let your nervous system reset and move forward with the day feeling a bit more centered. After all, in our Central Pennsylvanian habitat, it’s not hard to find some nature to enjoy! 

Stick with It!

In our ever-changing and fast-paced world, sticking to your healthy lifestyle habits is sometimes easier said than done. Most of us know this feeling. Staying motivated to eat healthy, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, drink adequate water, and practice self-care each day is a big task. However, if your daily habits are realistic and smart, not only is it easy but VERY rewarding. 

Everyone is busy, and life has a funny way of speeding up and throwing curveballs when we least expect it —or when we are least prepared for it. When life gets crazy, sometimes our healthy habits are the first thing we sacrifice to keep the rest of our life on track.  STOP doing that!  You can come up with some strategies to avoid throwing your healthy lifestyle out the window when life gets in the way. 

Top Priority = First Priority

Erin’s top priority each day is her workout. To ensure that nothing gets in the way of her workout, she does it first thing in the morning — even if there is time later in the day to schedule it. There are too many outside variables that can get in the way and sabotage the workout, if she waits to get it in. It is rare that someone needs something from Erin at 5AM that gets in the way of a workout. Although waking up early isn’t always desirable, Erin believes that it’s easier to wake up at the same time each day rather than early on some days and late on others — it also helps to have a workout buddy waiting for you in the morning.

Be Prepared

Routine and consistency are the foundation for healthy daily habits.  For Leanne, preparation is a must-do!  Meal planning is a high priority to achieve successful eating habits throughout the week.  Every, single evening after dinner, she prepares her breakfast and lunch for the following day. (Spoiler alert: Leanne’s lunch for the next day is what she calls dinner the night prior.) 

Then there are those evenings, when her family meets friends out for dinner or they are off the usual routine. Leanne overcomes this roadblock one of two ways.  She plans her order at a restaurant based on a healthy choice and saves half of the meal to pack for lunch the next day. Leanne also keeps staple items such as tuna, frozen veggies and microwaveable rice packets in her kitchen for the times when life gets too busy to cook/plan.  This meal takes a maximum of 7 minutes to prepare and helps keep her on track!  

“Hanger” is real. When we get to the point of serious hunger, we so often default to binge eating which most likely results in unhealthy choices.

Find Small Times to Escape 

Reading makes Melissa feel good during her day because it lets her mind escape to a different place. Getting engrossed in a good story takes her mind off of any stressors, and depending on the book, makes her feel as though she is learning something new.  Making time for this healthy habit is a top priority.  Like Erin, Melissa relies on the solitude of the early morning to find uninterrupted time to read. She wakes up an hour earlier than she needs to every morning, specifically to catch up on the day's events in the newspaper with a cup of coffee.  She'll pick up her book for the remaining time before getting ready for work. In the evening, instead of watching Netflix, Melissa will read to unwind.  She also listens to audiobooks in the car, while on walks, and while doing household chores. You might also find her with a book or kindle in her work bag, ready to pull out instead of her phone during any idle moments during the day.  Carving out these small times to escape to another place helps her feel better in mind *and* in mood

Stick to the Plan 

Everyone has the same number of hours each day to get our “stuff” done. We’ve all heard the saying “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”  When you have a plan - setting out clothes the night before a morning workout or meal prepping on the weekend or carrying your kindle in your work bag - it is easier to stick to your healthy habits and avoid sabotage — even when life gets in the way. 

The Breakdown for Balance

Life is all about balance, and nutrition is most certainly no exception.  Knowing what to eat, when to eat it and how much of it to eat can be overwhelming.  The goal is to keep it simple and sustainable!

There are six nutrients our body needs to survive:

  1. Protein

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Fats

  4. Vitamins

  5. Minerals

  6. Water

Of the essential nutrients, only three provide calories (protein, carbohydrates, fat) and are referred to as macronutrients.  Each plays a crucial role in our body’s ability to function.  

What is a balanced meal?

Building a balanced diet is a fancy way of saying “incorporate protein, carbohydrates and fat into each meal.”  The best way to do this?  Think about a trip to Chipotle each time you create a meal.  

You walk in the door, stand in line, and the order goes something like this:

The first three options are carbohydrates.  Next are proteins.  Followed by your high-fiber veggies and salsa (which you can fill your bowl or burrito with).  The last few options are fats and this is where your modest 400 calorie meal can quickly become 800 or 900.  Choosing one of these items is most important because fat calories are more than double those of carbohydrates and protein.  

Diet Trends

Our newsfeed of life can be flooded with various diet trends.  Striving for balance is what can ensure sustainability.  Some find dieting styles which work well for them and it is a wonderful thing!  A good rule of thumb is to avoid eliminating any one food or food group from your diet (with the exception of an allergy or intolerance) and have it all in moderation

Imagine the results we can achieve by simply changing ONE question.

Rather than “what do I want to eat?”, try asking yourself “what does my body need?” 

The Takeaway?

Don’t overthink it.  Use the example of a trip to Chipotle when building each meal.  Small changes yield big results because consistency is key.  So often we default to asking what we can remove from our diet to help us hit our goal.  Let’s flip the script and see what we can add to our plate that is nutrient dense and help us each balance.  

Rest ~ Recover ~ Recharge

Life is full, and we are BUSY!  There is nothing greater than the feeling of being in the zone — making progress and getting things done. Your workouts are great. Your to-do list is being attacked. You feel unstoppable. Just admit it — you don't want to take the time to slow down. 

It might sound crazy, but when you’re “in the zone” and feeling great, this is the best time to take a break. Sometimes the smartest and most powerful thing you can do is embrace the opportunity to step away, breathe, relax, and give your body and mind a bit of recovery. This may be something as simple as a  5-10 minute breath of fresh air outside, or it may be a day of unplugging, unwinding, and tuning out. It is essential for each of us to find the right balance of work and rest/recovery in our daily lives. 

How Will I Know?

Rest and recovery are integral to your progress in any area of your life. They are critical to promote energy, mood and happiness. By prioritizing your rest and recovery time, you are prioritizing your productivity and progress. How do you know when you need to rest? If you’ve gotten to the point where you NEED the rest, your body and mind are usually screaming out with some very obvious signs. Once you are feeling these things, your body and mind are already NOT working at the most optimal level:

  • Feeling irritable and sluggish

  • Tired all the time

  • Poor sleep patterns

  • Injuries that won’t improve 

  • Feeling like you’re always “behind”

  • Frustration

  • Low productivity 

  • Low motivation 

When Resting Doesn’t Mean Sleeping 

We typically think rest means sleep — and sometimes it does.  Sleep is the natural process your body needs to recharge. But rest is so much more than sleep. Non-sleeping rest allows your body to recover, restore energy, and calm your mind — which will also result in better sleep at night and higher performance when you are awake. There are many things you can do to give yourself the chance to rest:

  • Listen to your body

  • Tune out stress

  • Unplug

  • Breathe

  • Spend some time alone

  • Take a break from responsibility

  • Get away

  • Delegate to others

Rest is very productive and you deserve the downtime. Regular periods of rest will help prevent burnout.  Get rid of the idea that you constantly have to be working and grinding to get ahead and be successful. We are conditioned to think that rest and recovery are a reward. This mindset must be shifted to realize that rest and recovery are essential to achieve high performance and productivity. When you make the time to recharge, you will come back refreshed and motivated to take on the task in front of you — whether it’s a hard workout, or working on a deadline for your job, or deep cleaning your house — rather than struggling to surge ahead while feeling exhausted and unmotivated. 

Save It Up

Schedule the rest time into your daily and weekly schedule to make sure it happens. Think of this rest time as your personal savings account. If you don’t budget your savings account, you could waste it all away. The same is true with rest. If you don’t schedule it into your day, it likely won’t happen. You will be depleting yourself day by day with nothing in the bank to keep you going at an optimal level. 

I Did ALL of That!!!

If you just can’t allow yourself to take a break from your to-do list, then try looking at it from another perspective. Make yourself an “I did it” list. Write down all the things you did that day or that week, and you will surely see that you deserve a break!  Commit to investing in your “rest and recovery savings account,” and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Morning: The Foundation of Your Day

Mornings are POWERFUL. An efficient morning routine is a great way to be productive, incorporate all the necessary tasks, and get your day started on the right foot.  The things you do first thing in the morning can affect your whole day. Your morning routine doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming — but it needs to be efficient and effective!

Assess and reassess

Before you get started take a look at what you are currently doing in the morning and reassess your goals for the day. Each act in your morning routine should be intentional and move you directly toward those goals. Be purposeful and avoid adding needless acts to your routine. Visualize the morning you want to have. This could be a good time to also define what NOT to do in the morning. For example, maybe you want to avoid turning on your phone in the morning so you don’t immediately get sucked into work emails and messages. 

Go with the Flow

Make sure that your morning routine “makes sense” with the order you are doing your tasks. For example, if you want to be certain to drink water before you head out for your morning workout, then place your water bottle next to your alarm clock or beside your toothbrush in the bathroom — somewhere that you will see it and it will be easily accessible. Begin building your momentum for the day by creating a routine that is simple, convenient, and logical.

Do Something You LOVE

Include something just for you in your morning routine. Something that you love. Something that makes you very happy. For example, maybe you love hazelnut coffee. Help yourself look forward to the morning by incorporating a cup of hazelnut coffee into your routine. 

Early to Bed….

You know how the saying goes: bedtime is very important. When you’re planning your morning routine, be certain to plan for ample sleep the night before. Being intentional and smart with your bedtime allows you to feel rested, refreshed and ready in the morning to start the day with focus and clarity.

It’s Not as Hard as You Think

Start the day on your terms. Wake up in the morning knowing what you have to do and how you are going to do it to set yourself up for a productive day. A perfect day starts with a morning routine that is made just for YOU!

Targeting a Hard Reset

Do you ever feel like your life needs an overhaul?  Or do you think it would be great if you could just press the “reset” button? You are not alone!  Spring is a time of new beginnings and new life. A time to enjoy the extra daylight, a time for new ideas, and a time to shed all of the extra layers from winter. It is a time to spring clean your home and declutter your life!  Spring is the perfect time to press that “reset” button! 

Acknowledge the Imbalance

When life gets out of balance, it can be hard to know where to begin to realign your goals, values, and priorities. Great news!  You’ve already taken the first step by acknowledging that you need to reevaluate and make some adjustments. 

Time to Review

If you don’t have your goals written down, now is the time! Don’t hold back. Write it all down and begin prioritizing. What is the most important to you? Start with the top three or four goals on that list and then get to work…

Aim for the Target

Design a plan to target each of these goals. Define smaller, more short term goals that will lead you on the right path to achieving the bigger, long term goals. Take a close look at your daily habits. Are they supporting the life you want to live and helping you achieve your goals?  Maybe these habits worked for you at one time but may no longer be serving you. Create some new daily habits that will support your current goals. Incorporate some daily habits that can help you become more efficient and focused on your priorities. 

Hit the Reset with Intention

You deserve a life of happiness and satisfaction — a life of accomplishment and contentment. This won’t just happen because you want it. You need intention and action. You may need to change your mindset or your perspective to target the hard reset you are seeking. 

Mindful Eating: Getting off Autopilot

Food is fuel, and eating well is an act of self-care. We must eat to live. Yet most of us struggle with eating — eating too much; not eating enough; eating at the right time; making the right food choices; balancing macros; losing weight; gaining weight; maintaining weight. No wonder this is such a delicate topic! 

Really, it doesn't have to be that painful. Making an effort to practice Mindful Eating in your daily routine will allow you to let go of the stress associated with eating. There is no secret to healthy eating, but there is value in creating AWARENESS when you are eating by:

  • Bringing attention to the realization of being HUNGRY or FULL by simply asking yourself if you are hungry before you eat. 

  • Recognizing WHAT you are eating each day.

  • Observing if you are tasting and/or enjoying your food.

Are you HUNGRY?

Before you eat, take a deep breath and check in with yourself by asking — am I hungry?  Recognize your hunger cues — 

  • Is your stomach grumbling? 

  • Are you experiencing light-headedness or inability to concentrate? 

  • Do you have a headache?  

You also need to ask yourself — how hungry am I?  Rate your hunger on a scale of 1-10 (1 = very hungry; 10 = stuffed). Use this answer as a guide to determine what and how much you need to eat to fuel your body at that moment. This will help you feel re-energized and avoid the uncomfortable feeling of overeating. 

As you are eating, continue to be mindful of how you feel. Slow down, chew your food, taste and smell your food, take little breaks from eating, breathe, and acknowledge when you are feeling full. Stop eating when you are full (or a little bit before you are feeling full) and escape the discomfort of overeating. The more awareness you have of this discomfort after eating too much, the more likely you will choose to not feel this way. This is Mindful Eating. 

WHAT are you eating?

Once you have decided that you are hungry and you need to eat, what are you eating?  Are you grabbing the first thing you see and putting it in your mouth?  Or do you have a meal/snack planned for this moment? Mindless eating happens when you are hungry and just reach for whatever you can find to fuel your body. 

Food logging or journaling will help you assess the nutritional value of your food and help you work on appropriate timing of your meals and snacks throughout the day. But this is just one part of your food evaluation process. 

Look at your food.  Smell your food. Is it colorful?  Does it look and smell appealing?  Do you WANT to eat this food? When you make time to meal plan for yourself, you will have better opportunities to eat foods that you like and are good for you — Rather than reaching for the first available thing you see to satiate your hunger. 


You have decided you are hungry. Your food is in front of you. You are eating slowly.  You are breathing while you are eating. You are recognizing each bite. SAVOR your food. Be fully present and enjoy the flavors, textures and smells of your food. When you eat the foods you really like and enjoy, it will help you to feel more content and satisfied. If you are less happy with the food choices you are eating, you are more likely to eat more as you are searching for the satisfaction from the food. 

Eating mindfully requires you to focus and keep your attention on eating. Don’t allow your mind to wander away from it. Every bite of every meal/snack may not get your full attention, and that’s ok!  Start small by choosing one or two meals or snacks each day and commit to giving them your full attention. Breathe, chew, and slow down. Acknowledge what you are feeling, tasting, and smelling. Start breaking the habit of mindless eating and begin to truly enjoy your food and gain comfort in the satisfaction you feel at the end of the meal. 

Self-care: Beyond Bubble Baths and Netflix

Do any of these sound familiar? 

Take the day off. Kick back and pour that glass of wine. Or two. Take a nap.  Binge watch the latest Netflix series release. Schedule a mani/pedi. Indulge in a bubble bath. This is what we usually think of when we talk about self-care. While some of these things are great for relaxing and unwinding, things we know of as ways to “pamper yourself”  are only one aspect of self care.

Self-care is the intentional things you do to take care of yourself. It is about being proactive in your life to stay healthy and energized.  Being proactive and taking intentional steps to avoid unnecessary stress.  Practicing self-care is about keeping your cup full — so you are able to help those around you when they need you. 

Self-care is about taking care of your mind (it is important to have healthy coping skills to deal with difficult emotions, such as anxiety, anger, or sadness) and your body (you must take care of your body if you want it to run efficiently). Although a Netflix binge paired with a bubble bath might occasionally be necessary for your self-care routine, you may want to look a little deeper into other ideas: 

  • Regular exercise 

  • Healthy and balanced eating

  • Regular sleep habits

  • Drinking water

  • Stretching

  • Planning your daily schedule

  • Organizing/cleaning your space

  • Daily mindfulness

  • Proper hygiene and skin care

  • Spending quality time with friends and family 

You may recognize things on this list that you already practice. Be confident and proud that you are already committed to those acts of self-care and keep them going!

Self-care is not selfish. If you ever want to give to others, you must already have something in your cup to share. Self-care is about having the right ideas and plans to ensure you are putting your basic needs first. Self-care should be built into your daily habits. When you are actively taking proper care of yourself, you will be better able to deal with the daily challenges and stressors that you are unable to control or avoid. 

Keep in mind that self-care is not harmful. So having too many of those glasses of wine “to unwind”  is not self-care. It may be something you like to do, but it is definitely not about taking care of yourself.  See what kind of things you can substitute instead of alcohol.  A tall icy glass of flavored sparkling water with some fresh lime and berries would help you feel pampered (and take care of drinking your water at the same time!) 

Get excited about putting your needs (not your wants) first!  Self-care is about restoring YOUR energy. True self-care will help you live a more healthy and balanced life.

Make That Change

No matter what your goals or habits, James Clear offers great insight and practical ideas for you in Atomic Habits.  Clear allows you to recognize that YOU are not the problem, if you are having trouble changing some of your habits — rather the problem is your system. We repeat bad habits over and over again.  Not because we don’t want to change but because we are using the wrong system to make that change. 

James Clear explains that “you do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”  Atomic Habits is an easy-to-understand guide to making your good habits unavoidable and the bad habits impossible. 

“All big things come from small beginnings.”

In his book, James Clear takes big ideas and seemingly insurmountable goals and breaks them down into simple and achievable actions allowing you to have great success — one small step at a time.  He makes it easy to re-shape the way you think about your goals and your processes by offering many practical examples and easy-to-replicate ideas to form good habits, break the bad ones, and recognize the small behaviors that lead to amazing results.

At RT+ we took some time to reflect on our daily habits to realize that we have some really great ones:  drinking water each day, setting aside time for a workout every day, going to bed early, and waking up early. However we also have some bad habits too: wasting time scrolling on the phone, procrastinating doing the undesirable tasks on the to-do list, drinking while watching sporting events, watching TV to fall asleep at night, and eating something sweet after each meal. 

“Never miss twice. If you miss one day, try to get back on track as quickly as possible.”

No one is perfect, and the good news is that James Clear explains how building good habits does not rely on perfection, but rather repetition.  You can still be successful, if you have some bad habits. The key is to be sure you have more good habits than bad ones. 

“A lack of self-awareness is poison. Reflection and review is the antidote.”

After reading Atomic Habits, we embraced the opportunity to reflect on our habits and processes and review how we can do better.  We know that the most practical way to eliminate bad habits is to reduce the exposure to any cue that causes the undesirable habit.  If scrolling on your phone is the bad habit, put your phone in a drawer or power it down during the times you are likely to get caught up in the scrolling— even if it’s just a break for five minutes. Start small (or short) and work toward longer sessions without the distraction of the phone. Then reward yourself with something really desirable when you put the phone in a drawer or power down. Only you can determine the desirable reward for yourself, but try not to create another bad habit (such as rewarding yourself with a hot fudge sundae). But rather something positive or even productive (such as the opportunity to get some things done and cross them off your list OR  relaxing time for yourself with a warm cup of tea).  Choose something that speaks to you and ultimately leaves you looking forward to the time when you get rid of the phone. 

“Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become.”

Sounds simple? It really is! To learn more about your habits and how you can start taking small steps each day to make big changes, grab your copy of Atomic Habits.

The Beginning of ANYTHING You Want

It’s almost the start of a new year, and that means it's time to start setting some goals and making some resolutions in pursuit of becoming the best version of yourself. 

BUT WAIT!  Did you do the same thing last year?  How did those goals and resolutions work out for you?  Did you write them down?  Have you checked in on them to evaluate your progress? Or did you just casually have some ideas in your head of the things you wanted to accomplish this year?

Before you start moving on to 2022, take a moment to look at 2021.  Where were you one year ago? As you closed 2020, did you anticipate you would be in your current situation/circumstance at the end of 2021? 

Here are a few more questions to ask yourself to help get things started…

  • What were your biggest accomplishments this year?

  • What are you most proud of this year?

  • What were your greatest challenges?

  • What did you learn this year?

  • What was your best day this year? 

  • What was your most difficult time this year?

  • What are you grateful for this year?

  • What was the biggest disappointment this year?

  • Did you push yourself out of your comfort zone at any time this year?

Maybe 2021 was amazing for you!  Check in with yourself to find out why it was so terrific. Did you set realistic goals and keep track of your status regularly? Did you adopt or continue positive and productive daily habits that set you up for success? Evaluate yourself. Make a plan, and keep your positive momentum going straight into 2022.

Maybe 2021 wasn’t so amazing, but don’t let that hinder 2022. You can still check in with your goals and your daily habits. Take a closer look at your goals and make some modifications.  Did you start the year with big ideas and great goals, but soon fell back into the same old pattern of poor habits and useless distractions?  Make a plan to change your course of action, and follow through so you will be feeling happy, healthy, productive, and proud in 2022. This is the beginning of ANYTHING you want — you are in charge of your life!

Our Favorite Things: The 2021 Edition

The holiday season is here! It’s time to start planning the perfect holiday gifts for our friends and loved ones. Living healthy and focusing on self-care is important for everyone! Let us help you find the most wonderful gifts for your fitness-loving friends or those who might be just getting started… we’ve got them all covered. Think gadgets, gear, and maybe a dose of motivation too!

Starting with the Apps

Do you know someone just getting started or wanting to get started with an exercise program? Or maybe you know someone with an irregular schedule due to work or family or other obligations? Or someone who needs a little extra dose of motivation?  Well, there’s an app for that!  With an annual subscription, you can offer the gift of fitness all year long. Melissa loves the Pilatesbarreondemand.  In fact, she loves the content on this platform so much that you can see her featured on their site with her recommendation. You might also want to check out the Peloton app.  Peloton isn’t just for cycling anymore!  They offer such a wide variety of workouts, and you don’t need their in-home equipment to do it — although the Peloton bike or tread make amazing gifts too!

Trigger Point Self-Massagers

Before and after a great workout session, everyone needs maintenance for the body. Matt recommends a handheld Back and Trigger Point Massager.  Take your myofascial release to the next level with this unique tool made to help you get those hard to reach places. If you’re looking for something a little more than this clever tool, Rich urges you to go for the splurge on the Therabody Massage Gun.  This quiet massage gun allows you to reach the deep muscle tissue to relieve tension and soreness. 

For the Yogi

While you are taking care of those aches and pains, getting in a good stretch or a restorative yoga session would be amazing.  So grab a mat and some blocks and get to it!  Melissa recommends the SNΛKUGΛ Traveling Yoga Mat.  Whether you are at home doing yoga in your living room, taking a class at your favorite studio, or on the road doing a workout in a hotel, this mat is absolutely perfect!  It is functional, foldable (read: packable), and fun (check out the pretty colors and patterns).  Erin suggests the Comfort Yoga Block.  This unique block is rounded on one side to offer more comfort while using the block to extend your stretching to new places.  

The Experience

If you’re really interested in helping your loved-one slow down and engage in some much-needed preventative maintenance, Erin recommends a gift certificate for a massage.  After biting the bullet and making time for massages in 2021, Erin recognizes the importance of this kind of maintenance on your body. You probably have someone on your list that might feel the same!

Maybe you know someone who needs more than a 60 or 90-minute session of self-care.  Melissa encourages you to give your loved one a weekend retreat from reality.  It’s very soul cleansing to spend a weekend away at a place with maybe some nature and definitely a spa.  Melissa confidently declares her “most favorite weekend of 2021” as the weekend she spent alone in a nice hotel (with a spa) in Minneapolis. “I’d basically sleep until I woke up naturally, work out in their beautiful gym as long as I wanted, get a spa treatment, and then do whatever I wanted.  I came home so refreshed, not only in body but in mind.”  Do you know someone who might like (or need) the same experience this year?

All About the Hands

Cold hands are no fun in the winter!  Sara suggests the Summit Waterproof Layering Gloves. Start with the Base Layer Glove that can be worn alone or under the Waterproof Glove. Don’t let the winter weather elements slow down your outdoorsy loved ones this year. Help them to stay warm and dry with these amazing gloves — this might be the most perfect stocking stuffer idea!

Maybe you’re looking for a different kind of glove this season.  Autumn praises Hot and Cold Gel Gloves. Warm up (or cool down) your hands with these therapeutic gloves made to relieve pain and tension in the wrists, hands and fingers. This would be great for someone dealing with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome or someone who is really hard on their hands (such as working in construction or practicing boxing).

Fun in the Sun

Maybe your loved ones prefer to be outdoors in the summer months. Stephanie proposes an Inflatable Stand Up Paddleboard. This is Stephanie’s favorite thing because of the convenience. She uses this way more often because it’s easy to inflate and deflate. It actually fits right back into the bag with no problem. You can take it to our local lakes like Coyler Lake or Whipple Dam — and try out a paddle board yoga class on the weekend!

Gifts of fitness, self-care, experiences, and warmth are great for the holidays and perfect for the start of the New Year.  Maybe some of our favorite things will become some of your favorite gifts — Get creative and thoughtful this year as you help your friends and family stay healthy and happy!

Fall into Wellness!

With the warm weather behind us, it’s time to start thinking about all things fall: colorful leaves, pumpkin spice, and chilly temperatures. We all know that staying healthy throughout the fall and winter seasons can be challenging and typically calls for a little extra Vitamin D and a flu shot. But there are many other things we can do to stay well throughout the season.

First, try filling your mug each morning with a hot serving of lemon water. This works to improve digestion, boost your immune system, and is great for your complexion.

While we are talking about skin, don’t forget to moisturize! With the cooler and sometimes harsh temperatures, your skin will take a beating. Dry itchy skin is not fun, so stock up on your favorite moisturizer to last though the fall and into the winter months.

Fall is also a fabulous time to be active outside. Hiking, biking and raking leaves will keep you active and busy. Then skiing, skating and shoveling snow will take over for the winter months.

Once winter descends upon us, it becomes easy to stay inside and hibernate. Make some plans for the cold winter months. Plan a weekend getaway. Buy tickets to go to a show or concert. Or make the decision to learn something new: sign up for an art class or learn to tap dance. Staying busy will give you something to look forward to during the shorter, darker days of winter.

We associate fall and winter with comfort foods that are typically warm and heavy (read: chicken pot pie). But there are plenty of delicious in season vegetables to enjoy including pumpkin, kale, eggplant, squash, and broccoli. Spend some time finding and testing the perfect recipes for these veggies to stay on track with your meals all season.

Finally, make time this fall to stock up on some good books and bubble bath, so when the snow and ice leave us stuck at home, you can relax in a warm bath with a good read!

Holiday Priority: People

The holiday season is about to begin — Halloween is right around the corner. Before the Halloween candy is even gone, it will be Thanksgiving.  As you are still enjoying the leftover stuffing and pumpkin pie, the circuit of holiday parties will commence. Cue Hanukkah and Christmas, then cruise right into the New Year… phew! I’m exhausted and stuffed just thinking about it!

From Halloween candy and pumpkin pie, to eggnog, fudge, and champagne.  There are so many seasonal goodies that pop up each year. We all know the usual tricks to minimizing the temptations — eat before you go to the party, be mindful of portions, keep a food log, only eat your absolutely favorite foods, give away the leftovers, and so on.  

It’s impossible to ignore the fact that so much of the holiday season is focused on food. Is this really what the holidays are all about?  Ok, maybe Halloween is really all about the candy.  But Thanksgiving is about acknowledging the things we are thankful for. Then we think about giving rather than receiving. And the New Year is about saying goodbye to the past and looking to the future with enthusiasm about the exciting things that are to come.  Let’s not forget the time we plan to spend with family and friends during this season.

How can you shift the holiday seasonal focus from tempting foods to the beautiful and meaningful time with your loved ones? Here are a few ideas to get you started…

Stick with Your Priorities

What are your priorities for the holidays? Take a minute to define them.  Write them down. Say them out loud. Commit to them. Once you acknowledge your holiday priorities, it will be easy to eliminate the less-important things that come up, and you will have the time to enjoy the people and events that mean the most to you.

Just Say No

While we are talking about the “less-important” things, don’t be afraid to say no. You don’t have to do everything and go everywhere. Stick to the things on your list of priorities, and you will find so much more meaning and value in the things you are doing. Not to mention, you won't be completely exhausted from running around attending every event under the sun.  You will have more energy to enjoy the people you are with and the events that you desire.

Fix Your Focus

If you’re the person planning an event, choose an activity that is not focused on food.  Maybe a trip to the spa with your girlfriends, rather than dinner and drinks at a restaurant? Or a hike followed by lunch with your co-workers?  There are so many options that will allow you to celebrate the season, enjoy your people, but avoid negative temptations. 

It’s not about the foods you eat, the parties you attend, or the gifts you receive. It’s about the moments you share and the memories you make.  Live it up this year!

Fueling Up for Feeling Fabulous

Everyone wants to get the most out of each workout. Training smarter not harder includes fueling your body effectively before and after every sweat session. It’s a very delicate balance finding the right foods and determining the exact timing for that optimum performance. If you don’t eat anything before you get started, you risk feeling dizzy, lightheaded, lethargic, and weak. But if you eat the wrong foods at the wrong times, you take the chance of feeling bloated, sluggish, and nauseous. Neglecting to refuel your body after the workout slows down muscle repair that will continue to slow you down for the rest of the day and into your next workout. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for your next great workout!

Carbs are NOT the Enemy!

Over the years carbs have gotten a bad rap.  The truth is that you need carbs for quick energy without weighing you down.  Your body especially needs carbs for endurance activities. As you are fueling up for your next exercise session, your body will metabolize and use simple carbs for fast energy.  These carbs will get you started for the first 15-20 minutes of your workout.  Complex carbs will kick in after about 30 minutes. Try fruit, oats, egg whites, toast, applesauce or dried fruit as you’re gearing up to get started with your warm-up. 

Power to the Protein

Protein is necessary for muscle building and repair.  Including some lean protein, such as Greek yogurt, in your pre-workout snack will help with the post workout repair.  The key to the pre-workout protein is keeping it lean.  Fat metabolizes slowly, and this can leave you feeling uncomfortable and sluggish, if you consume too much of it before your workout session. For example, stick to the egg whites before the workout, but reach for the hard boiled egg (including the yolk) post-cool down.  And definitely don’t skip the protein in the post-workout re-fuel.

Raise your Glass

Or maybe your water bottle! Drinking water before, during and after your workout is essential for peak performance. 

Timing is Everything

Depending on when you are doing your workout, you can eat anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours beforehand. If you are exercising first thing in the morning, it is tempting to go for it on an empty stomach. A glass of water and a simple carb, such as a banana, will be enough to help you optimize performance and feel good throughout the whole workout session.  If midday is your preferred workout time, then you might be wise to schedule a simple snack about 30 minutes before you start your warm-up. When it comes to the post-workout snack, you want to get that in fast — 20 minutes after the cool down would be ideal. Chocolate milk, toast with peanut butter or a hard boiled egg, yogurt with fruit, or a protein shake are great options to finish off your training session.

Searching for both a steady supply of energy throughout the workout that won’t hold you back or slow you down and also the most effective choices for repair and recovery when you’re done will set your body up to maximize performance during your workout and beyond.