WARNING: This is not a light read. It is actually a sad story. I watched every episode of Friends in the 90s and early 2000s and loved the characters as their lives mimicked what was happening in my life through jobs, relationships, marriage, pregnancy, etc. I was aware that Matthew Perry had problems with addiction during his career but to read it (in my case hear it read by the author) was captivating. In his memoir, he is honest, fesses up to his host of shortcomings (which is a light word to use) and lays out clearly the horrors of what addiction can do to one's body, one's health, one's relationships and one's life. It's simply another reminder that one can have fame, success, money, nice homes, cars, women, etc etc and it still may never feel like enough. Do I love the things the author did and has done both to himself and to others? Absolutely not. But I review the book not on the lying, cheating, stealing, and breaking of hearts....But on the honesty of his story and his effort that perhaps telling his story will help others fighting the same demons.