Morning: The Foundation of Your Day

Mornings are POWERFUL. An efficient morning routine is a great way to be productive, incorporate all the necessary tasks, and get your day started on the right foot.  The things you do first thing in the morning can affect your whole day. Your morning routine doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming — but it needs to be efficient and effective!

Assess and reassess

Before you get started take a look at what you are currently doing in the morning and reassess your goals for the day. Each act in your morning routine should be intentional and move you directly toward those goals. Be purposeful and avoid adding needless acts to your routine. Visualize the morning you want to have. This could be a good time to also define what NOT to do in the morning. For example, maybe you want to avoid turning on your phone in the morning so you don’t immediately get sucked into work emails and messages. 

Go with the Flow

Make sure that your morning routine “makes sense” with the order you are doing your tasks. For example, if you want to be certain to drink water before you head out for your morning workout, then place your water bottle next to your alarm clock or beside your toothbrush in the bathroom — somewhere that you will see it and it will be easily accessible. Begin building your momentum for the day by creating a routine that is simple, convenient, and logical.

Do Something You LOVE

Include something just for you in your morning routine. Something that you love. Something that makes you very happy. For example, maybe you love hazelnut coffee. Help yourself look forward to the morning by incorporating a cup of hazelnut coffee into your routine. 

Early to Bed….

You know how the saying goes: bedtime is very important. When you’re planning your morning routine, be certain to plan for ample sleep the night before. Being intentional and smart with your bedtime allows you to feel rested, refreshed and ready in the morning to start the day with focus and clarity.

It’s Not as Hard as You Think

Start the day on your terms. Wake up in the morning knowing what you have to do and how you are going to do it to set yourself up for a productive day. A perfect day starts with a morning routine that is made just for YOU!