Thank You 2022!

In a few short days we will be counting down the final moments of 2022 with excitement and anticipation for what 2023 might bring!  Maybe you have some big plans for the New Year? Possibly a milestone birthday or anniversary to celebrate? Or a major life event to plan and execute? Starting a new job?  Moving to a new city? Making a major change to improve the quality of your life?

Before you take on all the fabulous things that lie ahead in 2023, make some time to reflect on 2022. Take all you can from this year before sweeping it out the back door! You’ve lived with this year for 365 days, certainly you are walking away with something valuable. There are stories to tell. Lessons were learned. Memories were made. 

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What was the highlight of 2022?

  • Were there any major life changes this year?

  • Who came into your life this year? Who left?

  • Think of your life last year at this time. What unexpected changes occurred?

  • Did you travel this year? Where did you go?

  • What lessons or skills did you learn this year?

  • What was the lowest point of this year?

  • What are you grateful for this year?

  • Who were your most supportive friends this year?

  • What was the best book you read this year?

  • What are you proud of this year?

  • What were you frustrated with the most this year?

  • Is there something you wanted to do this year but didn’t have the chance? What was it?

Take some time and answer these questions for yourself. The answers may not jump out at you right away. You may have more than one answer to some of these questions. Embrace the highs and the lows and everything in between from 2022. Take these things with you into the New Year and use them to make even more memories, learn even more lessons, and grow with your true, authentic self in 2023.