Self-care: Beyond Bubble Baths and Netflix

Do any of these sound familiar? 

Take the day off. Kick back and pour that glass of wine. Or two. Take a nap.  Binge watch the latest Netflix series release. Schedule a mani/pedi. Indulge in a bubble bath. This is what we usually think of when we talk about self-care. While some of these things are great for relaxing and unwinding, things we know of as ways to “pamper yourself”  are only one aspect of self care.

Self-care is the intentional things you do to take care of yourself. It is about being proactive in your life to stay healthy and energized.  Being proactive and taking intentional steps to avoid unnecessary stress.  Practicing self-care is about keeping your cup full — so you are able to help those around you when they need you. 

Self-care is about taking care of your mind (it is important to have healthy coping skills to deal with difficult emotions, such as anxiety, anger, or sadness) and your body (you must take care of your body if you want it to run efficiently). Although a Netflix binge paired with a bubble bath might occasionally be necessary for your self-care routine, you may want to look a little deeper into other ideas: 

  • Regular exercise 

  • Healthy and balanced eating

  • Regular sleep habits

  • Drinking water

  • Stretching

  • Planning your daily schedule

  • Organizing/cleaning your space

  • Daily mindfulness

  • Proper hygiene and skin care

  • Spending quality time with friends and family 

You may recognize things on this list that you already practice. Be confident and proud that you are already committed to those acts of self-care and keep them going!

Self-care is not selfish. If you ever want to give to others, you must already have something in your cup to share. Self-care is about having the right ideas and plans to ensure you are putting your basic needs first. Self-care should be built into your daily habits. When you are actively taking proper care of yourself, you will be better able to deal with the daily challenges and stressors that you are unable to control or avoid. 

Keep in mind that self-care is not harmful. So having too many of those glasses of wine “to unwind”  is not self-care. It may be something you like to do, but it is definitely not about taking care of yourself.  See what kind of things you can substitute instead of alcohol.  A tall icy glass of flavored sparkling water with some fresh lime and berries would help you feel pampered (and take care of drinking your water at the same time!) 

Get excited about putting your needs (not your wants) first!  Self-care is about restoring YOUR energy. True self-care will help you live a more healthy and balanced life.