Fueling Up for Feeling Fabulous

Everyone wants to get the most out of each workout. Training smarter not harder includes fueling your body effectively before and after every sweat session. It’s a very delicate balance finding the right foods and determining the exact timing for that optimum performance. If you don’t eat anything before you get started, you risk feeling dizzy, lightheaded, lethargic, and weak. But if you eat the wrong foods at the wrong times, you take the chance of feeling bloated, sluggish, and nauseous. Neglecting to refuel your body after the workout slows down muscle repair that will continue to slow you down for the rest of the day and into your next workout. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for your next great workout!

Carbs are NOT the Enemy!

Over the years carbs have gotten a bad rap.  The truth is that you need carbs for quick energy without weighing you down.  Your body especially needs carbs for endurance activities. As you are fueling up for your next exercise session, your body will metabolize and use simple carbs for fast energy.  These carbs will get you started for the first 15-20 minutes of your workout.  Complex carbs will kick in after about 30 minutes. Try fruit, oats, egg whites, toast, applesauce or dried fruit as you’re gearing up to get started with your warm-up. 

Power to the Protein

Protein is necessary for muscle building and repair.  Including some lean protein, such as Greek yogurt, in your pre-workout snack will help with the post workout repair.  The key to the pre-workout protein is keeping it lean.  Fat metabolizes slowly, and this can leave you feeling uncomfortable and sluggish, if you consume too much of it before your workout session. For example, stick to the egg whites before the workout, but reach for the hard boiled egg (including the yolk) post-cool down.  And definitely don’t skip the protein in the post-workout re-fuel.

Raise your Glass

Or maybe your water bottle! Drinking water before, during and after your workout is essential for peak performance. 

Timing is Everything

Depending on when you are doing your workout, you can eat anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours beforehand. If you are exercising first thing in the morning, it is tempting to go for it on an empty stomach. A glass of water and a simple carb, such as a banana, will be enough to help you optimize performance and feel good throughout the whole workout session.  If midday is your preferred workout time, then you might be wise to schedule a simple snack about 30 minutes before you start your warm-up. When it comes to the post-workout snack, you want to get that in fast — 20 minutes after the cool down would be ideal. Chocolate milk, toast with peanut butter or a hard boiled egg, yogurt with fruit, or a protein shake are great options to finish off your training session.

Searching for both a steady supply of energy throughout the workout that won’t hold you back or slow you down and also the most effective choices for repair and recovery when you’re done will set your body up to maximize performance during your workout and beyond.