FASCIA: Everything You NEED to Know

We abuse our bodies every single day. And I’m not just talking about running, cycling, swimming, lifting, rock climbing, hiking, and all the other activities we do each day. I’m also talking about the stress we put on our bodies from sitting at a desk all day, from leaning over a laptop or phone, from sleeping on an insufficient surface, and any other position your body holds for extended periods of time on a regular basis. We need recovery time from all of these “activities.”  

Myofascial Release (aka MFR, aka Foam Rolling) is a key component for releasing chronic tension, improving range of motion, and decreasing pain. Myofascial Release is a trigger point technique used to stimulate and hydrate the fascia through pressure using props such as a foam roller or a trigger point ball.  This technique can be very painful but it can create almost instantaneous relief at times. But let’s back up for a second and answer a very important question…

WTF? (What's the Fascia?)

For many, many years fascia was basically ignored. It was regarded as insignificant, but in recent years we have become fascinated with fascia and the impact it has on the body. Fascia is a place where movement happens or where movement can be restricted. Fascia is the connective tissue network that holds our bodies together.  It is one of the largest organs of the body!  Think of it as one seamless, interwoven piece of Saran Wrap that both separates and connects all of our muscles and body parts at the same time.  It is one, large, connected system, and we must see it and treat it that way.  

As we break down each part of the body and label it as an individual part, we lose sight of the system as a whole.  Each part affects the whole and we must acknowledge that!  Our fascia largely impacts the way we move, and because it is rich in nerves and sensory receptors it largely impacts the way we feel!  It is important to care for our fascia because if neglected, it can actually cause problems including tightness, decreased range of motion, discomfort and pain.  Tightness of the fascia in one area can result in pain or tension in other nearby parts.  The more we care for our fascia the more we will move with efficiency, ease and fluidity as well as reduce our risk of injury. 

Show me the Benefits!

Evidence from scientific research suggests that self myofascial release 1) reduces tension which allows for greater range of motion, 2) reduces the risk of developing "knots" or adhesions as a result of collagen binding between layers of muscle tissue, 3) helps to reduce soreness after an exercise session, which in turn may help to aid in recovery time, and 4) promotes a feeling of relaxation which is an important psychological benefit.  We have seen time and time again with our clients how foam rolling for a brief time before working out, and for a longer time following a workout, has provided all of the above benefits.  On a personal note, I have noticed the when one part of my body feels tight and painful, foam rolling often does the trick.  Furthermore, the tight and painful part of my body quite often is not the part that needs the rolling.  For instance, pain in my low back usually crops up when I haven't been faithfully foam rolling my glutes and hips. 

How we roll at RT+

At RT Plus, foam rolling and myofascial release are a part of every clients' training program.  We have seen the benefits and pay special attention to preventative maintenance which includes teaching our clients to practice myofascial release, assigning rolling "homework" to do on their own, and incorporating preventative maintenance as needed into training sessions. If you want greater performance and less soreness at any level, you can not skip the preventative maintenance.  Our motto of "Train Smarter, Not Harder" translates into taking care of the whole body, not just training the individual parts.  And taking care of your fascia is taking care of the sum of all of the parts!

Let's get rolling!