Take a moment to think about the people who you really enjoy. The person (or people) you would call first to have lunch or grab a cup of coffee. The person you would desire to plan a weekend get-away together. These are probably the same people who have made a difference in your life in some way or another. What do you like about these people? Why do you enjoy spending time with them? Although my list of people and your list may not include any of the same people, these unrelated people probably possess many of the same traits. They are kind, caring, trustworthy, sincere, honest, genuine -- to name just a few. That's why we like these people! But as we keep naming the amazing qualities of our favorite people, we will ultimately land on one, most significant trait, that encompasses all of the others --- all of these people are authentic. They are real. They are true to us. And most importantly, they are true to themselves.
Authentic people are predictable. You always know what to expect from these friends. Why are they so predictable? The answer is simple -- they have values, and they live their life based around these values. They talk the talk and walk the walk. Even if their values are not exactly the same as yours, they back up their words with their actions. They do what they say they are going to do. In a world with so many uncertainties, we like to have some things that we can be sure of and predict — we feel a sense of trust with this predictability.
Being authentic is the most pure and organic thing you can do. If you are willing to accept who you are, everything else in your life will fall into place. Take some time to get to know yourself by asking yourself some questions -- Who are you? What do you believe in? What are your values? Why do others like to be around you?
While you are answering these questions, keep a few things in mind:
Your actions influence others. You may not even be aware of the people you are reaching.
Be true to yourself and others. Don't try to be someone you're not -- others will see right through that. Know who you are. Be willing to let others see it.
Accept your weaknesses, vulnerabilities, failures, and flaws. Be honest about them, and don't brush them under the rug. Accepting these things as a part of you demonstrates that you are real.
Live in the moment. Eliminate the distractions and “clutter.” Put the phone down, log off of social media, and embrace the people and places right in front of you.
Be kind. Not just to others. Be kind to yourself. Kindness matters. It goes a long way.
Don’t be afraid to get to know yourself and show your true colors to the world! In the words of Oscar Wilde -- “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”