The Most Important 5 Minutes of Your Workout

Want an exceptional workout?  It starts with the perfect warm up! No matter what kind of workout you are prepping for, a total body warm-up is imperative. You need to get your muscles moving in the warm up, so they can work efficiently through larger ranges of motion, allowing you to get the most out of your workout, while avoiding injury. Your time is valuable, so make the few minutes at the beginning of your workout an investment in your workout!

Not only does the warm up prime your muscles for the workout, but it also gets your mind in the right place. It allows your brain to shift into “workout mode” from whatever you were doing before your workout.  

A proper warm up will include similar movements planned for the workout, but these movements should be done at a lower intensity.  For example, if you are planning to run during your workout, you could do a slow and easy jog during the warm up. 

After the aerobic portion of your warm up, you will want to include some stretching. These stretches should be dynamic --- moving through the stretch, rather than stretch and hold --- also focusing on the primary muscles targeted in the workout. 

It’s a great idea to include some mobility moves too to make sure all of the right parts of your body are moving the right way.  Think of cat/cows, book openers, scorpions, and simple ankle circles and hip circles. 

Your warm up does not need to be limited to aerobic exercises and dynamic stretching. It can include yoga, foam rolling, balance exercises, or plyometrics. It should vary based on the planned workout and what your body needs at that moment. 

There are lots of things we know we “should” do but tend to look past -- flossing, drinking enough water, getting 8 hours of sleep.  Don't let the warm-up fall into this category! Allow yourself the opportunity to reap all the benefits of your workout by putting in your time during the very first part of your exercise session. Your body will thank you!