Happy New Year!! As we usher in the beginning of a new year, it is a common practice to reflect on the successes and failures of the previous year and set New Year’s Resolutions. The New Year brings a new energy. A blank slate. A fresh start. A time when many people embark upon a quest to become the “best” versions of themselves by resolving to eat healthier, lose weight, get into better shape, be more patient, spend more time with family and friends, manage finances better, etc. But, what if there is a flaw in this way of thinking? What if, resolutions really inhibit growth?
A resolution is a statement of strong will, focused on a particular outcome. Resolutions are fixed, rigid, and speak to absolutes in the spirit of “all or nothing”. Resolutions are inherently rooted in negative energy implying something about us is not “good enough” and will be better when we change who we are. Resolutions come from what we cognitively think we “should” do, rather than come from something we feel connected to, or feel strongly about in our heart of hearts. If we act and do not connect with the reason behind the action, we are sure to burnout from action all the time, and most likely will drop the resolution that we made.
On the other hand, an intention is an energetic aim, a focus with no attachment to an outcome. An intention is rooted in we are already enough, just as we are. Did you catch that? We are enough, just as we are. With intention, we apply a radical self-acceptance and meet ourselves, in the present moment. We act from that we want to create or bring into our lives. We connect with our heart’s desire. We come from a mindset that we are not broken, just want to make the higher call to live our best life. For example, instead of dieting to lose weight, you set the intention to make good food choices as a way of caring for yourself and improve your health. Or, instead of spending more time with family or friends because you “should”, you spend time with family to experience connection with others.
Setting an intention helps you align to what is truly important at the core of your being with your actions. An intention without action, is just a thought. When intention is aligned with action, the result of whatever we want to cultivate is powerful, purposeful and effective. We create what we want to feel. We find integrity in the congruence between what we say, what we feel, and what we do.
For 2020, I want to establish a daily meditation practice. I know that when I take the time to sit in stillness (meditate), I am more settled in my thought, feelings and actions. I am more focused, less reactive, and make healthier eating choices. There are numerous worksheets, books and videos with steps for intention setting, but here is what has worked for me.
1. Be clear about what you want to cultivate or focus on in your life.
Ask the question, “What is it that I want? How do I want to feel?”
I want to create a daily meditation practice.
I want to feel grounded and settled.
2. Make statement that relates to your purpose and how you can bring about change.
I will bring ease and peace to my body and mind because I am worth it.
I will meditate every day.
3. Make action steps by setting realistic, achievable goals.
I will set my wake-up alarm 15 minutes early each day.
I will sit in meditation for 10 minutes before I start the day.
I will take 5 minutes after meditation to declare how I will show up for myself and how I will show up for the world each day.
Instead of setting a New Year’s Resolution, consider setting an intention for the upcoming year. In 2020, live with intention and become the author of your own book. You have 12 chapters and 366 (leap year) pages to fill. Each page offers you an opportunity to create your life. If you stray from your intentions, no worries. As long as we experience this gift called life, there is always another page and the opportunity to re-evaluate, re-align with your intentions and begin again on our journey.
Connect with intention and transform your life. The perfect time to start is right now!
“Our intention creates our reality.”
– Dr. Wayne Dryer