As you are slowly coming out of the Turkey Coma, and you are slapped with the overwhelming smell of candy canes, pine cones, and shopping malls……you know, for sure, it’s Black Friday! The intense consumerism built around this retail holiday is even more exhausting than tryptophan. Here’s a tip: you will save the most money if you just don’t buy anything!
Why not try something different this year? Whey not try doing good for something else other than your local shopping mall? There are many other great options for you, your family, and your friends to give back to your own well-being and to a greater cause.
#OptOutside was started back in 2015 by a large retail chain: REI Co-op. They close their doors on Black Friday, pay all of their employees, and participate in clean-up events in their communities all over the country. Some areas have organized clean-up events to join. But it’s easy to just grab a trash bag and a group of friends and get outside to clean up your surroundings. Find a local park or a heavily littered area and get started! Not only are you helping the environment, but your’e burning off some of those extra calories from Thanksgiving’s main attractions: stuffing and gravy!
This year, why not think outside the box….and the big box retailers. Instead of spending money shopping, spend your time outside being active, and giving back!