Endless Energy: Bring It ON!

Reality Check — Many of us feel tired All. The. Time. Some of us have felt this way for so long that we actually believe this is normal. Are you TIRED of feeling TIRED? 

Of course a regular and sufficient sleep schedule will help your energy levels remain consistent throughout the day. A balanced diet, proper hydration, and regular exercise will also set you up to function at your maximum potential. These are the BIG ONES, and they take time to perfect and commit to. Let’s take a look at a few easier things you can do each day to make a big difference in your energy levels. 

Let the Sun Shine In

There is nothing more invigorating than waking up to the glorious warmth and brightness of the sun. Not only does the morning sun help regulate your natural circadian rhythms, but it will also naturally refresh you and set you up for energy throughout the day. So open the blinds or get outside and soak up the sun every morning!  Expert tip (from Melissa) — if you are stuck with a string of no-sun days, you may want to get your hands on a SAD lamp to help add some “sunshine” to your day!

Take a Hike

Or a walk. Or just get your body moving a little bit. If you are feeling sluggish in the middle of the day, you can re-energize by getting up and moving around. Go outside and take a walk or stand up at your desk and do some simple stretches. Any kind of movement will get your blood pumping and wake up some mood-boosting endorphins. Added bonus — if you can get outside to move, the Vitamin D from the sun will help too!

Let it Go!

We are talking about stress now. There is no greater energy-zapper than STRESS! Stress is exhausting and it sucks up a lot of mental energy. Lowering or eliminating stress isn’t always easy, but you can try some simple strategies for short-term stress relief that may result in long-term relief if you stay consistent. Yoga and/or meditation are great tools for managing or lowering stress. In addition, a healthy diet and regular exercise will help. If you find that none of these are helpful, you may want to consider seeking help from a therapist to supply you with additional coping strategies to work through your specific sources of stress. 

Just Say NO!

To the caffeine!!!  It is natural to reach for that extra cup of coffee, when you feel like you are lagging through the day.  However this may actually be self-sabotaging when you experience the crash of the caffeine wearing off or you have a restless night’s sleep due to the late-day caffeine consumption. 

Simple Boost

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who goes to bed on time each night, has restful sleep, exercises each day, eats a clean diet, drinks ample water, has control over stress, and limits caffeine and alcohol. But you might still need a pick-me-up from time to time.  When that time comes, listen to your favorite song, reach for an energizing fragrance or essential oil (such as cinnamon, lemon or peppermint), splash some cold water on your face, take a few long and slow deep breaths, or maybe even take a break from the task that seems to be draining your energy. 

If you want to show up well for life, then you will need to have the endurance to get through it. You don’t have to drag yourself through every hour of every day. Make a few small changes to your daily routine, keep some quick energy-boosters close at hand, and be prepared to say…. Bring It On!